Ruby Lewis’ Bat Mitzvah
My name is Ruby Lewis and I’m in the 7th Grade at The Brandeis School of San Francisco. I love to play basketball, soccer and volleyball. I play on my school’s teams and club soccer outside of school. I am a very big Philadelphia sports fanatic, thanks to my dad and brother!
Meet Our March Family of the Month: Jean Tepper
I live alone in San Francisco, but my family is spread across the world. My two stepdaughters, Connie and Susi, live in Port Townsend, Washington. They both attended Brandeis Hillel Day School and CBS Religious School. My sons, Sam and Max, are in Wellington, New Zealand, and Los Angeles, respectively, and both celebrated their Bar Mitzvahs at Beth Sholom…
Refugee Shabbat Lunch and Learn with Danny Grossman
We are thrilled to welcome Danny Grossman for Refugee Shabbat Lunch and Learn at ~12:15 p.m. following services on Saturday, March 1.
Asha Pai’s Bat Mitzvah
Hi, my name is Asha Pai. I’m in seventh grade and I’ve been going to Brandeis SF since Kindergarten. A bit more about me — I live with my mom (Aliza), stepdad (Jeb), and sisters (Izzy, Lucy and Willa). We recently got a dog named Shoshana (Shoshi for short!)…
Meet Our February Family of the Month: The Carls
Although Stacy wasn’t initially a member, she has been attending Beth Sholom since the 2000s, mostly during the High Holidays. She fondly remembers Rabbi Lew’s teachings and the first time she heard Rabbi Richman’s voice, describing it as a soul-touching experience that felt like a big hug…
Max Molofsky’s Bar Mitzvah
Hello. I am Max Molofsky, and I attend The Brandeis School of San Francisco. Because I am in 7th grade, I have many hobbies and extracurriculars. I like to play soccer with my team in SF United, play chess, and hang out with my family and friends…
New Two-Part Learner’s Service
Join us for an opportunity to learn (or dive deeper) into Shabbat morning services! Rabbi Russell will guide you slowly through the highlights of a Shabbat morning service providing insights and explanations…
Ella Chinn’s Bat Mitzvah
Hi, my name is Ella Chinn and I'm a 7th grader at San Francisco Schoolhouse. I like to crochet, be around my friends and hang out with my dog, Cami and cat, Kipper. I also love to travel and explore good food in interesting places…
Introducing Our Hanukkah Pop-Up Shop!
Come by our Hanukkah pop-up shop to purchase ritual items for the holiday! We will have candles for your hanukkiah, chocolate gelt, dreidels, and more…
December Family of the Month: Afergan
The Afergans first connected with CBS after moving to California in 2015, attending High Holiday services. Their involvement grew in 2021 when Zoe and Mira began attending the preschool here. Today, they actively participate in the Moadon and Shabbat School…
Chesed v’Tzedek Tzedakah Drive
Winter is upon us, and Beth Sholom's Chesed v’Tzedek Committee is celebrating Hanukkah by gathering men’s coats and jackets, pants, and t-shirts, plus blankets for the San Francisco-based Gubbio Project, a sacred sleep and community sanctuary serving those in need in San Francisco.
New Tefilah Resource: Virtual Tikkuns
CBS is pleased to announce a new Tefilah resource: Virtual Tikkuns for 4 of our kosher Torah scrolls. You can access the virtual tikkuns from the Tefilah Resource page.
Judah Switzky’s Bar Mitzvah
Judah Switzky will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday November 16, 2024. He will read from Parshat Vayera and his drash will discuss some insights about kindness and helping others.
Chatan Torah and Kalah Bereshit 5785 / 2024
Chatan Torah and Kalah Bereshit are two honors to individuals who give above and beyond to the ritual life of our synagogue! Thank you for ALL that you do!
October Family of the Month: Roz Arbel
Roz lives with her husband and their kitties Ori and Meshi. A native San Franciscan, she is a big Safe Streets and Urban Canopy advocate who loves being in nature with her corvid friends...
Natalie Goldstein’s Bat Mitzvah
Mazel Tov to Natalie Goldstein, who will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on September 14, 2024 (11 Elul 5784).
September Family of the Month: The Burrows
Danny, Rebecca, Noah (17) and Jacob (15) Burrows moved to San Francisco from Melbourne, Australia 2 years ago. Both boys attend The Jewish Community High School (and love it!)
Introducing Rabbinic Intern Samson Nderitu Njogu
As we prepare to enter another new year, we are am thrilled to introduce a new member of our team: Rabbinic Intern Samson Nderitu Njogu. Samson, born in Kenya and connected to the Abayudaya Jewish community, is studying at The Ziegler School of Rabbinic Studies.
Aviva Chatoff’s Bat Mitzvah
Aviva Chatoff will be called to the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, August 24th (20 Av 5784).
August Family of the Month: The Rikshpuns
Gabrielle Rivka, Darya and Naum Seymon were born in Ukraine and are of the Rikshpun family. Daria, 39, had a long career as a TV producer, after which she decided to pursue her true passion. ..