As membership dues do not cover the full cost of Beth Sholom’s operations, we rely on the support of our members, friends, and all who benefit from our wonderful programs to help us bridge the gap. There are a variety of ways to make your gift.
Thank you for making a pledge or contribution to support Congregation Beth Sholom.
Financial Donation Methods
Our online donations allow you to designate your donation to a particular program or in a loved one’s honor or memory. Your donation will be recognized in HaLuach in the words of your designation.
Make payable to Congregation Beth Sholom and mail to:
Congregation Beth Sholom
301 14th Avenue
San Francisco, CA 94118 -
Reach out to give@bethsholomsf.org for instructions
DTC or electronic transfer is the fastest and most secure method for donating securities.
It is a two-step process:
Prior to initiating a transfer of securities, please notify us at give@bethsholomsf.org of your intention to donate securities. This step will ensure that you are acknowledged as a donor.
Our account is held at Fidelity Depository Trust Company. Prior notification is critical to identifying your gift of securities, as donor information does NOT transmit through the DTC system.
Use the information on the next page to deliver securities to our brokerage account at Fidelity:
Deliver to: Fidelity Depository Trust Company
Address: Fidelity Investments
Attention: TOA Receives
P.O. Box 770001
Cincinnati, OH 45277-0036DTC: 0226
EIN: 94-1167429
Fidelity Account #: Y80110301
Reference: {Donor Name-Year} or {Anonymous}
Contact us via email at give@bethsholomsf.org to let us know the donation is coming and for detailed instruction if needed
Contact the financial institution where your IRA is held and instruct them to send your Required Minimum Distribution (or whatever portion of those funds you choose) directly to Congregation Beth Sholom.
Request that your financial institution identify that it’s a Qualified Charitable Distribution from an IRA and your name on the check as the donor. You can also let us know about your gift, so we’re sure to make the connection to you.
Request that the check be mailed to Congregation Beth Sholom, 301 14th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94118.
Some large companies, non-profits, hospitals, and law firms will match your charitable contributions. Speak to your employer about whether they will match your contribution to Beth Sholom!
Beth Sholom has been an important part of your life. Consider helping make it a part of the lives of future generations by including the congregation in your estate plans. Many Legacy gifts are simple and inexpensive to arrange. Gifts of all sizes are deeply appreciated and will help ensure that Beth Sholom is here for generations to come!
Print the Legacy Circle of Intent Form
For more information or questions, please feel free to reach out to give@bethsholomsf.org.
Current Areas of Need
Youth Education
Kiddush Fund