Daily Minyan
Our daily minyan is the beating heart of Congregation Beth Sholom. Join us any day of the week to take a moment away from your day, mourn loved ones, or just touch base with others in the community.
7:15 a.m.
In-Person in Gronowski Chapel
and Virtual on Zoom
7:15 a.m.*
Virtual on Zoom
*Join Torah study immediately after minyan
6:00 p.m.
In-Person in Gronowski Chapel
Sign Up Here
7:15 a.m.
Virtual on Zoom
8:00 a.m
Virtual on Zoom
In-Person in Gronowski Chapel
and Virtual on Zoom
Join us for a festive celebration at the beginning of each month!
Adar: Friday, February 28, 2025
Nisan: Sunday, March 30, 2025
Iyar: Tuesday, April 29, 2025
Sivan: Wednesday, May 28, 2025
Tamuz: Thursday & Friday, June 26 & 27, 2025
Av: Saturday, July 26, 2025
Elul: Sunday & Monday, August 24 & 25, 2025
Tishrei: Tuesday, September 23, 2025
Every week we gather to celebrate Shabbat, take a break from the week, and pray with our community.
6:00 p.m. Service
Fridays in Gronowski Chapel
5:30 p.m. Nosh
6:00 p.m. Musical Service
Second Fridays in Gronowski Chapel
9:30 a.m. Service
Saturdays in the Sanctuary
10:30 a.m. Family Service
First and Third Saturdays in Gronowski Chapel
9:30 a.m. Childcare (Newborn to Age 5)
Saturdays in Gan Adamah Classroom
Tefilah Resources
Enjoy these resources to guide your learning of prayer services and reading Torah.
At Beth Sholom, we read the full kria (Torah reading) on Shabbat and Festivals and regularly rotate through 4 Torah scrolls. You can use this virtual Tikkun tool to see how the text will appear in each of the scrolls.
Please contact ritual@bethsholomsf.org for further questions about how to use this tool.
Click on any link below to open and view an individual parsha (portion).
1. Bereshit
2. Noach
3. Lech Lecha
4. Vayera
5. Chayei Sarah
6. Toldot
7. Vayetze
8. Vayishlach
9. Vayeishev
10. Miketz
11. Vayigash
12. Vayechi
* Download the complete book of Bereshit here (follow instructions to download).Shemot
13. Shemot
14. Vaera
15. Bo
16. Beshalach
17. Yitro
18. Mishpatim
19. Terumah
20. Tetzaveh
21. Ki Tissa
22. Vayakhel
23. Pekudei
* Download the complete book of Shemot here (follow instructions to download).Vayikra
24. Vayikra
25. Tzav
26. Shemini
27. Tazria
28. Metzora
29. Acharei Mot
30. Kedoshim
31. Emor
32. Behar
33. Bechukotai
* Download the complete book of Vayikra here (follow instructions to download).Bamidbar
34. Bamidbar
35. Nasso
36. Beha’alotecha
37. Shlach L’cha
38. Korach
39. Chukat
40. Balak
* Download the complete book of Bamidbar here (follow instructions to download).Devarim
41. Pinchas
42. Mattot
43. Ma’asei
44. Devarim
45. Va’etchanan
46. Ekev
47. Re’eh
48. Shoftim
49. Ki Teizei
50. Ki Tavo
51. Nitzavim
52. Vayeilech
53. Ha’azinu
54. V’zot Habracha
* Download the complete book of Devarim here (follow instructions to download).
Click on any link below to open and view an individual parsha (portion).
1. Bereshit
2. Noach
3. Lech Lecha
4. Vayera
5. Chayei Sarah
6. Toldot
7. Vayetze
8. Vayishlach
9. Vayeishev
10. Miketz
11. Vayigash
12. Vayechi
* Download the complete book of Bereshit here (follow instructions to download).Shemot
13. Shemot
14. Vaera
15. Bo
16. Beshalach
17. Yitro
18. Mishpatim
19. Terumah
20. Tetzaveh
21. Ki Tissa
22. Vayakhel
23. Pekudei
* Download the complete book of Shemot here (follow instructions to download).Vayikra
24. Vayikra
25. Tzav
26. Shemini
27. Tazria
28. Metzora
29. Acharei Mot
30. Kedoshim
31. Emor
32. Behar
33. Bechukotai
* Download the complete book of Vayikra here (follow instructions to download).Bamidbar
34. Bamidbar
35. Nasso
36. Beha’alotecha
37. Shlach L’cha
38. Korach
39. Chukat
40. Balak
* Download the complete book of Bamidbar here (follow instructions to download).Devarim
41. Pinchas
42. Mattot
43. Ma’asei
44. Devarim
45. Va’etchanan
46. Ekev
47. Re’eh
48. Shoftim
49. Ki Teizei
50. Ki Tavo
51. Nitzavim
52. Vayeilech
53. Ha’azinu
54. V’zot Habracha
* Download the complete book of Devarim here (follow instructions to download).
Click on any link below to open and view an individual parsha (portion).
1. Bereshit
2. Noach
3. Lech Lecha
4. Vayera
5. Chayei Sarah
6. Toldot
7. Vayetze
8. Vayishlach
9. Vayeishev
10. Miketz
11. Vayigash
12. Vayechi
* Download the complete book of Bereshit here (follow instructions to download).Shemot
13. Shemot
14. Vaera
15. Bo
16. Beshalach
17. Yitro
18. Mishpatim
19. Terumah
20. Tetzaveh
21. Ki Tissa
22. Vayakhel
23. Pekudei
* Download the complete book of Shemot here (follow instructions to download).Vayikra
24. Vayikra
25. Tzav
26. Shemini
27. Tazria
28. Metzora
29. Acharei Mot
30. Kedoshim
31. Emor
32. Behar
33. Bechukotai
* Download the complete book of Vayikra here (follow instructions to download).Bamidbar
34. Bamidbar
35. Nasso
36. Beha’alotecha
37. Shlach L’cha
38. Korach
39. Chukat
40. Balak
* Download the complete book of Bamidbar here (follow instructions to download).Devarim
41. Pinchas
42. Mattot
43. Ma’asei
44. Devarim
45. Va’etchanan
46. Ekev
47. Re’eh
48. Shoftim
49. Ki Teizei
50. Ki Tavo
51. Nitzavim
52. Vayeilech
53. Ha’azinu
54. V’zot Habracha
* Download the complete book of Devarim here (follow instructions to download).
Click on any link below to open and view an individual parsha (portion).
1. Bereshit
2. Noach
3. Lech Lecha
4. Vayera
5. Chayei Sarah
6. Toldot
7. Vayetze
8. Vayishlach
9. Vayeishev
10. Miketz
11. Vayigash
12. Vayechi
* Download the complete book of Bereshit here (follow instructions to download).Shemot
13. Shemot
14. Vaera
15. Bo
16. Beshalach
17. Yitro
18. Mishpatim
19. Terumah
20. Tetzaveh
21. Ki Tissa
22. Vayakhel
23. Pekudei
* Download the complete book of Shemot here (follow instructions to download).Vayikra
24. Vayikra
25. Tzav
26. Shemini
27. Tazria
28. Metzora
29. Acharei Mot
30. Kedoshim
31. Emor
32. Behar
33. Bechukotai
* Download the complete book of Vayikra here (follow instructions to download).Bamidbar
34. Bamidbar
35. Nasso
36. Beha’alotecha
37. Shlach L’cha
38. Korach
39. Chukat
40. Balak
* Download the complete book of Bamidbar here (follow instructions to download).Devarim
41. Pinchas
42. Mattot
43. Ma’asei
44. Devarim
45. Va’etchanan
46. Ekev
47. Re’eh
48. Shoftim
49. Ki Teizei
50. Ki Tavo
51. Nitzavim
52. Vayeilech
53. Ha’azinu
54. V’zot Habracha
* Download the complete book of Devarim here (follow instructions to download).
Trope numbers refer to the Trope Sheet shown above.