At Beth Sholom, Kiddush is something very special.
It is not only delicious (thanks to Executive Chef Marlene!), but it’s also an opportunity to sit and schmooze after Saturday morning services, catch up with friends, or meet someone new. Sponsoring a Kiddush is a wonderful way to give back to Beth Sholom and build our community, while offering a chance to mark a special occasion, such as a birthday, an anniversary, a special family event, a yahrzeit — or anything worth honoring.
We are happy to offer options to make sponsoring a Kiddush easy and collaborative. And remember, your contribution allows us to have a beautiful Kiddush not only on the day that you request, but every Shabbat of the year!
Once a Kiddush inquiry form is received, our events coordinator will get in touch with you within two business days to work out the details.
Host the full Kiddush for our entire Shabbat community plus 25 of your invited guests
Pre-Selected Menus ($2,200)
Build-a-Menu ($2,300) -
Kiddush appetizers, salads, and entrees
Sponsor the special adult beverages plus perks:
get to drink from a Glencairns glass
help lead, or designate who will help lead, the she’hakol blessing
composition of whiskey table tailored by Todd to sponsor’s preferences
membership in the “CBS Whisk(e)y Club,” which will meet during Sukkot
The dessert table, coffee, and tea
Food and drink for one Kiddush table of 8 guests