Miles Lasser’s Bar Mitzvah

Miles Lasser will be called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah on Saturday, October 21. He will read from Parsha Noach and his D’var explores the short but essential story of the Tower of Babel. Following the service, we’ll celebrate together at the Kiddush.  

Miles is a 7th grader at the Brandeis School of San Francisco. He enjoys running, playing basketball, coding, and asking lots of questions. Miles has been a member of Beth Sholom since before he can remember and is glad many of his friends from the Beth Sholom B’nai Mitzvah program are here at this important moment. 

Miles would like to thank his incredible tutor Marilyn Heiss for teaching him to read from the Torah, and Rabbi Russell for her guidance and help on his D’var Torah. He would also like to thank his parents Jamie and Seth for their support, his brother Kenny for going first and having his Bar Mitzvah two years ago, and his younger sister Tilly for listening to him practice every day in the car for the past year.


Lucy Browning’s Bat Mitzvah


Asher Levi Philipp’s Bar Mitzvah