Hadar Beit Midrash with Rabbi David Kasher
Thursday, March 27, 6:30 – 8:30 p.m.
From Revelation to Liberation: explore midrashim on Passover and the journey towards Shavuot with the Hadar Institute’s Rabbi David Kasher.
Renewing Freedom: Makor Or Meditation Retreat for Passover
Sunday, April 6, 10:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Join Norman Fischer and Rabbi Dorothy Richman for a day-long meditation retreat to prepare your heart and soul for Passover.
Third Annual Second Seder
Sunday, April 13, 5:30 p.m.
Beth Sholom members: celebrate the Passover story of freedom, community, and tradition.
Chesed v'Tzedek Pesach Donation Drive
Our Chesed v'Tzedek Committee is teaming up with the International Rescue Committee (IRC) to collect housewares and other items for recent refugees to the U.S. Possible items to include:
Great condition kitchen cookware and utensils
Full and twin sheets & blankets
Old/recycled phones, laptops
Grocery Gift Cards
(This empowers refugees to purchase items for themselves.)Kindly deliver donations to the shul through Wednesday, April 30th.
Seder Matching
Beth Sholom members! Are you looking for a place to celebrate Passover? Do you have an extra seat at your Seder table? Congregation Beth Sholom is helping to match guests and hosts for this special holiday. Whether you’re hoping to share your Seder with others or find a welcoming home for the evening, we’ll do our best to make a meaningful connection. While we cannot guarantee a match for everyone who submits this form, we will make every effort to pair guests and hosts in a way that fosters community and celebration. Please submit this by Wednesday, April 2 to be matched with a seder or to offer a space at your table.