CBS Family Preschool Celebrates Yom HaMishpacha
CBS Family Preschool celebrated Yom HaMishpacha (Family Day) on Friday, February 17, and has adopted this day as a preschool tradition! Yom HaMishpacha honors all members of the family and the love that is shared among them. During the 1980s, the holiday that was celebrated as Mother's Day in Israel became Family Day or Yom HaMishpacha. Mother's Day emphasized the traditional roles of mothers, but Mother's Day was replaced with Family Day as traditional family roles were rapidly changing.
The preschool halls were buzzing with laughter and joy as each child escorted their special guest, who came from near and far, to the Gronowski Family Chapel to begin their day at our preschool’s Kabbalat Shabbat service. They were greeted with a warm and welcoming service and d’var Torah of Mishpatim acted out by Rabbi Russell, Dale Kleisley, Talia Arnon and Camilo Arana. The service was followed by a delicious assortment of bagels, fruit, and engaging activities from terrarium decorating, parsley planting, mobile making with wooden beads, and photo booth stations. The children had a wonderful time sharing their school space with their guests and enjoyed hearing songs in Hebrew during our music class with Jonathan Bayer. Our educators' creativity and heart went into planning this special day and the feelings of ruach and community were experienced by everyone who attended. It was a wonderful day!