Andre and Aidan Freedman’s Bnai Mitzvah

Andre and Aidan Freedman, sons of Caren Ludmer and Richard Freedman z’l, will be called to the Torah for their B’nai Mitzvah on Saturday, May 11. They will read Parsha Kedoshim, which focuses on laws and commandments.  The congregation is invited to join for a delicious Kiddush after the service.

Andre and Aidan attended preschool at Beth Sholom and subsequently enrolled in the French American International School, where they are currently 7th grade students. Andre likes playing basketball, running track, playing video games and eating pasta. Aidan enjoys playing football, basketball, soccer and video games, as well as cooking and baking.

Aidan and Andre are grateful to their mother and older brother, Antonio, for their ongoing support, to Marilyn Heiss, for teaching them to read Torah, and to Rabbi Russell, for helping them understand the meaning of their parsha and compose their drashim.  They also honor the memory of their father, Richard Freedman, who helped pick the date of their B’nai Mitzvah and always encouraged their Jewish education.


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