July Family of the Month: Ascolese-Steinberg


Joachim Steinberg (42), Emily “Ryan” Ascolese (39), Avigdor Ascolese-Steinberg “Avi” (3), and Oliver the cat (age 8). Joachim is from New York City and Ryan is from the greater Cincinnati area. They met in law school and moved to San Francisco in 2013/2014, respectively. Joachim is allergic to cats, but allowed Ryan to adopt Oliver because she asked during their honeymoon.

They first connected to Beth Sholom by watching services online during the Pandemic lockdown and have been attending services since Rosh Hashanah 2023. Ryan was familiar with CBS through Marilyn Heiss, who she met at the Kitchen. 

They have loved meeting this community, and especially meeting other Jewish families of young children. Their favorite CBS event is the Purim carnival - as well as Tot Shabbat services! Avi loves lighting candles and eating Challah every Friday night, and shouting “Shabbat shalom!”

The Ascolese-Steinberg’s favorite holiday is Passover. They have always loved preparing for Passover, when Joachim cooks many of his grandmother’s recipes.


Mazel Tov to Our Gan Keshet Friends!