January Family of the Month: Hilary Elfman

Left to right: Rick (father) 69, Holly (mother) 70, Nico (nephew) 2, Lucas (nephew), 1, Zachary (brother) 39; Not pictured: Inés (sister-in-law) 37

Hilary Elfman (who just turned 36 on January 6th!) and Ruby (4-year-old Mini Labradoodle)

Hilary loves Beth Sholom! Where to begin? She went from a congregant in 2018, to a lay leader community organizer for Beth Sholom's Young(ish), to a Board member, and now she’s on staff to support the fabulous Rabbi Russell, first as special assistant to the Rabbi and now the Director of the office of the Rabbi.

Hilary’s favorite Beth Sholom event is Sukkot. Allen Levy does an incredible job with the sukkahs. It is special to be under the sukkah with congregants of all ages and feel the strength of our community.

“I am amazed by my colleagues and the leadership at Beth Sholom. Everyone brings something special to the table. It is a pleasure to work here, and there is a beautiful synergy among the staff and community. We put our heart and soul into our shul, and as a result get SO much out of it”.

Hilary’s favorite holiday is Rosh Hashanah. I love gathering with family and friends and reflecting for the High Holy Days and the year ahead. I like the symbolism of a round challah and eating seasonal foods.


Raphael Spencer’s Bar Mitzvah


On Grief, On Hope