February Family of the Month: Beharav


Noa & Moti, and their children Eden (11th grade), Zoe (9th grade) and Orr (7th grade and will have his Bar Mitzvah here this coming June). Gizmo, their parrot, is 8 years old.


The Beharav family has been part of the Beth Sholom Community for nearly 17 years, starting with taking baby Eden to "Mommy & Me" class.

Simchat Torah is their favorite Beth Sholom event: the scrolling of the Torah, the dancing and the simcha (joy) of it.

When asked what they love most about Beth Sholom, they replied, “We love the community, we love that it feels like an extended family and we feel known and that we belong!”

The Beharav’s favorite Jewish holiday is Pesach. They love the people who they celebrate it with, the meaning of the holiday, and the feeling of the special day. Their favorite Jewish food is Charoset (a very old family tradition from Noa's grandma from Aleppo) and chocolate babka!

Something few people know about them is that their family invented a holiday! It is called "Momentum" and is celebrated on the 3rd Saturday of March. This year it'll be March 16, 2024. The holiday of Momentum originated during the pandemic, when they were seeking for a way to celebrate their good fortune, bring awareness to the goodness in their lives and be present in those precious moments.

Check out #CelebrateMomentum or email Noa at nnooaa@gmail.com to learn more and join this lovely tradition!


Black History Month at Beth Sholom: A Message from Rabbi Richman


Welcome Back, Evan!