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What's Jewish about Menopause and Perimenopause?

Hot flashes, brain fog, insomnia... Does this sound like you?

Deep Dive into Menopause and Perimenopause with a Jewish Lens
with Lyssa Jaye, RN, FNP

Lyssa Jaye, RN, FNP

Rabbi Dorothy Richman

Women of Beth Sholom, join Lyssa Jaye (RN, FNP) and Rabbi Dorothy Richman for a special program exploring women’s health.  An expert on menopause, perimenopause, and wellness for women, Lyssa will discuss and answer your questions about symptoms like hot flashes; night sweats; mood swings; concentration and memory difficulties; the pros, cons, and myths about hormonal therapy; and long-term brain, heart, and bone health, so we can maximize the increased confidence and inner strength that also come with our age. 

This 2.5 hour workshop will be a safe space for women of Beth Sholom to gain valuable knowledge about maintaining our health (and sanity) in middle age and beyond.  We will also access Jewish wisdom to explore aging bodies, purpose and meaning. Lyssa Jaye is a nurse practitioner with a deep background in women's health—in hospitals in labor & delivery, and at Planned Parenthood—grounded in both conventional, western medicine as well as functional medicine, which takes a more systemic approach.  She offers a variety of women's health resources at Positively Thriving: Functional Wellness for Women.

The cost to participate is a sliding scale of $40–$60 per person for the 2.5 hour session.  Light nosh and refreshments included. 

June 1

Pride Shabbat