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Pride Shabbat

Kick off Pride Month and conclude the Shabbat School year with a very special Shabbat morning on June 1, 2024! Youth educator Marly Mizrahi will be called to the Torah as a B’Mitzvah, the Youth Education teachers and Madrichim will be honored, and Mike Shriver will lead a Pride-inspired lunch-and-learn that should not be missed!

This will be a festive celebration, made even more wonderful by sharing a delicious Kiddush as a community. Please consider contributing to the Kiddush* in honor of Marly, our Youth Education team, and our LGBTQ+ community. 

*Please indicate that the contribution is for “Pride Shabbat Kiddush.” Todah Rabah!

Mike Shriver

Marly Mizrachi

Mike Shriver has been involved in HIV/AIDS advocacy, activism, program development, organizational development and public policy efforts for over 30 years. His efforts have been at the local, statewide, national and international levels and have encompassed issues such as HIV+ primary prevention efforts, overall HIV prevention efforts, substance use/abuse interventions, HIV/AIDS care, community organizing and mobilization, HIV/AIDS public health policy and advocacy, as well as HIV research.

Mike served as a co-chair of the San Francisco Community HIV Planning Council, the joint planning body which oversees HIV prevention and care resource allocation for both San Francisco as well as the Title 1 EMA.  He remains a Steering Committee member of the “Getting To Zero” Consortium of San Francisco.

Mike was a member on the original San Francisco Ryan White CARE Council from 1991 to 1996 (including being co-chair) and again was a member from 1998 - 1999. Mike was one of the principal architects of HIV Community Planning (nationwide HIV prevention reform) in collaboration with the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).  He has served as a panel member of the 1993 Levine Commission evaluating the effectiveness of HIV prevention science for the National Institutes of Health. 

Mike served as a past Chair of the Board of Directors of the National AIDS Memorial, the nation’s only federally-designated memorial to HIV/AIDS.  

His past and current Board affiliations include the American Foundation for AIDS Research (amfAR), HIV Prevention Project (Needle Exchange), the Tenderloin AIDS Resource Center, the Tenderloin AIDS Network, the Castro Country Club (former chair), the International Gay and Lesbian Human Rights Commission, and the San Francisco Drug Users Union (as the current Treasurer). 

He served as Health Commissioner for the City and County of San Francisco (1993 – 1996).

For several years he was the Executive Director of Mobilization Against AIDS, California’s oldest HIV/AIDS advocacy organization as well as Deputy Executive Director of Policy at the National Association of People With AIDS (NAPWA) in Washington, DC. Mike also served as Executive Director, Development Director, Community Liaison and Health Outreach Worker at 18th Street Services. 

Mike served as the Special Adviser to the Mayor of San Francisco on AIDS and HIV Policy and was the co-director of the AIDS Policy Research Center at the University of California, San Francisco’s Center for AIDS Prevention Studies (CAPS) and the AIRS Research Institute (ARI).

Currently, Mike is the 1st Vice President of the Va’ad (Board of Directors) of Congregation Sha’ar Zahav Synagogue (San Francisco).

Mike was also a member of the original ACT UP/San Francisco.

Mike is an openly gay man in recovery living with AIDS, is retired, lives in San Francisco with his dog Max, and is an avid photographer.

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