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We Are Preparing: Elul Offerings for 5784 / 2024

  • Congregation Beth Sholom 301 14th Avenue San Francisco, CA, 94118 United States (map)

This has been an incredibly difficult year: from October 7 and war in Israel and Gaza to political divides in America and frightening antisemitism. With the challenges we face, we soon return to our High Holy Days as we do each and every year. 

Join us for a month of preparation, reflection and learning in the month of Elul. Read a book, engage perspectives on Israel, or look into the Machzor (High Holy Day prayerbook) to prepare your heart and mind for our holiest of days. The work of teshuvah — returning to ourselves — and the importance of community is more important than ever. We hope you will join us for these meaningful encounters:

The Machzor for Today with Rabbi Amanda Russell

Thursdays in-person and on Zoom immediately following morning minyan, 8:15–9:00 a.m., September 5, 12, 19, and 26

Another year and another opportunity with the Machzor, our High Holy Day prayer book. What can these prayers offer us this year? What were these authors of our liturgy thinking in the moment that they wrote them and how can these ancient texts bring us meaning in our lives today? Join Rabbi Russell to dive into some of the highlights of our season and bring them to life for 2024 and 5785.

We Are Israel: Three-Part Series

Part 2 — Erev Shmia: An Evening of Listening

Sunday, September 22, 5:30–7:00 p.m.

We can speak. We can listen.

Join Rabbi Russell, Rabbi Richman and your Beth Sholom community for an evening of sharing, heart-opening, connecting and listening, all through the lens of teshuvah and preparing ourselves for a new year. If you were at Death Over Dinner you will recognize this powerful format: we open as a community and then break into small groups for deep discussion about what scares us, comforts us, disappoints us and ultimately brings us together.

Light nosh served.

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Part 3 — Roots • Shorashim • שורשים • Judur • جذور

Thursday, September 26, 7:30–9:30 p.m.

Roots • Shorashim • שורשים • Judur • جذور fosters a grassroots movement of understanding, nonviolence, and transformation among Israelis and Palestinians. Please join Mr. Noor A’wad and Rabbi Hanan Schlesinger as they discuss their partnership in working toward building lasting peace and mutual recognition.

A Local Palestinian Israeli Initiative for Understanding, Nonviolence and Transformation

This event is generously sponsored by The Rabbinical Assembly and is in partnership with Congregation Sherith Israel.

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Elul Book Group with Rabbi Dorothy Richman — Judaism is About Love: Recovering the Heart of Jewish Life by Rabbi Shai Held

  • Mondays on Zoom, 7:30–8:30 p.m; September 9, 16, 23, 30; October 7, 14, 21, 28; November 4

  • Monday, November 11, in-person meeting with Rabbi Shai at Beth Sholom

Rabbi Shai Held has written a magnum opus on Judaism and love. What better way to prepare for the High Holy Days and begin the new year than to bring more love into our lives? Over the course of 9 Monday nights (September 9 through November 4), we will meet on Zoom to explore Held’s chapters on A Loving God, Whom Should We Love, Bringing God’s Love to Other People, and Theology of a Loving God, looking at both his views and the ancient sources to which he refers. We will also reflect on our own experiences of love and loving. For our final meeting, on Monday, November 11, we will meet in person with Rabbi Held and ask him great questions together. 

This book is written for the heart and the head. It has been recognized as one of the most important Jewish books published this year. Join me for this commitment to Jewish learning and/or drop in as you can.

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Makor Or Jewish Meditation Retreat with Norman Fischer and Rabbi Dorothy Richman

Sunday, September 22, 10 a.m.–5:00 p.m.

Join Norman Fischer and Rabbi Dorothy Richman for a day-long soak in Jewish meditation practice, prayer, and learning. Sit, sing, learn, and walk with an open heart and mind. Connect deeply to yourself, to the Divine, and to the practices and rituals of Elul, the month of spiritual preparation for the High Holidays. Come together in community to access the still small voice of your soul. We will be meeting in person at Makom Shalom and by Zoom.

No meditation experience necessary. All are welcome. A recording of the retreat will be sent to anyone who registers.

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Saturday, September 28, 7:30 p.m. at Congregation Beth Sholom

Sing, study, say goodbye to Shabbat — change our Torahs to white and ready ourselves for the High Holy Days. This late-night ritual will wake us up to the possibilities of forgiveness, repentance and the power of “we.”

We also welcome back Sherril Lew (Part I was Tisha b’Av) to add dialogue and expression to explore some of the central themes of the High Holy Days through her writing and the writing of her husband, Rabbi Alan Lew z”l. 

Sherril Jaffe Lew, Rabbi Lew’s widow, is a prize-winning novelist and Professor Emerita of Literature and Creative Writing at Sonoma State University.


We Are Israel Part 1 — Healing Through Story

Sunday, September 8, 4:30–6:00 p.m.

Introducing Ofri Reiner, a resilient Israeli survivor of the Nova massacre. At just 21, she's faced tragedy, losing her brother in combat. Through her art and passionate speaking, she shares her journey, finding healing and inspiring others to find strength. A combat soldier herself, Ofri's message of resilience echoes: AM ISRAEL CHAI—Israel lives on, stronger than ever.

“I have embarked on a deeply personal journey towards healing, driven by the power of creativity and narrative. I firmly believe that my purpose in this world is to transform the pain I carry into a beacon of hope for Jewish communities worldwide”

Join Ofri as she shares her story and be a part of her healing journey.

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Rosh Hodesh Elul (x2)

Tuesday and Wednesday, in-person and on Zoom, September 3 and 4, 7:15 a.m.

Two days of Rosh Hodesh to bring in this very special month. Join us for Hallel, Elul reflections and the early morning sounding of the shofar (on day 2). Thank you for helping to make a minyan and start our High Holy Days in full, joyous community!

September 8

September with Sages of the Ages

September 12

Jewish Heritage Night with the Giants