Lulav & Etrog Kit

This year we are partnering with Dayenu at the San Francisco JCC for our purveyor of lulav and etrog to honor and celebrate the fall harvest, Sukkot. If you would like to purchase a lulav and etrog kit for $65 (includes the box) please click below. They will be available for pickup at the CBS office front desk during business hours starting September 26th. Payment can be made online through ShulCloud or by check. Please order by September 12th.

Celebrate x2: Shabbat & Sukkot

Friday, September 29 ✦ 4:30 – 6 p.m. Sukkah Decorating and Dinner ✦ 6:00 – 7:00 p.m. Singing Under the “Stars” ✦ CBS Sukkah / Eva Gunther Plaza ✦ Registration Required

Please join us for Shabbat and the first night of Sukkot in Beth Sholom’s beautiful sukkah. We will start the festivities by creating fabulous sukkah decorations, seeing old friends, meeting new ones and enjoying a delightful meal. We will culminate the evening beneath the full Fall moon with a Shabbat and festival evening service led by Rabbi Russell. We look forward to gathering and celebrating our multigenerational community together — in the sukkah!

Adult Member: $18
Child Member: Free
Non-Member: $36

festival sukkot services

Saturday, September 30 ✦ 9:30 a.m. ✦ Sanctuary
Shabbat and Sukkot morning services followed by a festive Kiddush in the Sukkah!

Sunday, October 1 ✦ 9:30 a.m. ✦ Chapel
Sukkot morning services followed by a festive Kiddush in the Sukkah!


Monday, October 2 through Thursday, October 5 ✦ 7:15 a.m. ✦ In-Person and on Zoom
Daily Morning Minyan

Friday, October 6, 2023 ✦ 7:15 a.m. ✦ In-Person and on Zoom
Morning Minyan: Hoshana Rabbah — Wave your lulav one last time!

Help us make an in-person minyan on each day of Hol Hamoed!


Monday, October 2 ✦ 7:00 p.m. ✦ CBS Sukkah

Come join the Knitzvah Circle as they shev b'sukkah! Join community member Elise LaPaix and other crafters for an evening of creating, joy and connection. Light nosh and refreshments will be provided.  No experience necessary, come learn, come teach — come do a knitzvah!


Tuesday, October 3 ✦ 6:30 – 8:30 p.m. ✦ Sukkah in the Upper Plaza
Featuring sushi, sake, Torah, and reflection

Please note that this event is for Young(ish) members only.

L’chayim, Sing and Sukkah!

Friday, October 6 ✦ 6:00 p.m. Whiskey Tasting with Todd & Maariv ✦ 7:00 p.m. Potluck Dinner in the Sukkah
Please join us for a whiskey tasting and short evening service, but the potluck sign-up has closed. 


Saturday, October 7 ✦ 9:30 a.m. ✦ Sanctuary
Shabbat Morning and Shemini Atzeret Festival Service with Yizkor

Sunday, October 8 ✦ 9:30 a.m. ✦ Sanctuary
Dance with the Torahs and start our annual Torah reading cycle all over again!

Erev Simchat Torah Dinner and Dance Party

Saturday, October 7 ✦ 6:30 p.m. Dinner ✦ 7:30 p.m. Torah Dancing ✦ 8:45 p.m. “Late Night” Tisch ✦ Eva Gunther Plaza / Koret Hall
Registration is closed for dinner. Please join us for dancing at 7:30 p.m!

As Shabbat comes to an end, we will dance our Torahs onto the dance floor for Simchat Torah! Celebrate the completion of the Torah reading cycle and the joy of this holiday with singing and dancing with our holy Torah scrolls. Featuring SHAMATi Trio and Isaac Zones. This event is in partnership and collaboration with our friends at Congregation Kol Shofar. All are welcome. If you like to dance, eat and sing — you can expect a great time.

Photo courtesy of Isaac Zones