
If you are considering converting to Judaism, we’re here to welcome and guide you through the process.

Our conversion program requires that each prospective convert attend our Intro to Judaism course. The engaging, university-accredited class combines evening lectures and holiday events, offering students a broad spectrum of didactic and experiential learning. In addition to the course, candidates meet with one of our rabbis to discuss their motivations, thoughts, and experiences about the conversion process.

After one full year of living Jewishly — experiencing the full cycle of holidays, immersing themselves in Jewish community and ideas, and practicing as a Jew — the candidate will work with a rabbi (either at CBS or elsewhere in the community) to decide when and if the time is right for conversion. The final steps of the conversion process are: brit milah or hatafat dam brit (if the convert is male); a meeting with a beit din (rabbinic court of three rabbis); and mikveh (a ritual bath).

If you begin this process when the Intro to Judaism class is not in session, you may still meet with our rabbi to explore the diversity of Jewish life in the Bay Area. Should you decide that our community best suits you and wish to begin the conversion process at Beth Sholom, you can join the class when it starts. The first step is to make an appointment to meet with the rabbis.

Interested in exploring conversion at CBS? Tell us a little bit about yourself by emailing