• Learn with Hadar's Rabbi David Kasher in our Beit Midrash!

    Join us on Thursday, March 27, at 6:30 p.m. as we explore midrashim on Passover and the journey towards Shavuot.

  • Pesach 5785

    There are many ways to prepare for and celebrate Passover with Beth Sholom!

  • Makor Or: Renewing Freedom

    Join Rabbi Dorothy Richman and Norman Fischer on Sunday, April 6, for a day-long meditation retreat to prepare your heart and soul for Passover.

  • Daily Minyan and Weekly Shabbat Services

    Join us in prayer and community.

  • Support Our Multigenerational Community

    Todah Rabah!

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We are a contemporary conservative synagogue in San Francisco, California.

Our Hearts are in the East

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